T he Nile Delta in northern Egypt—the 22,000 km2 area where the mouth of the Nile River meets the Mediterranean Sea—is one of the world’s most fertile agricultural regions, despite the surrounding desert landscape. The fertile soil of the delta developed over millions of years, as m
I live and work in a 500-square-foot apartment with a boyfriend and a dog, which means that my daily shower routine is often the only semblance of "me" time I ever get (that is, when the dog isn't peering around the curtain and trying to jump in with me). Because of this, I've taken
Your guide to a better future
Taylor Freitas is a freelance writer and has contributed to publications including LA Weekly, Safety.com, and Hospitality Technology. She holds a B.A. in Print and Digital Journalism from the University of Southern California.
This story is part of Hom
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Jess is a full-time travel journalist with nearly a decade of experience covering culinary, luxury, and adventure travel. In addition to writing, she specializes in photography, videography, underwater filming, and food styling. Over the years, her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, Cos
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Objective To assess the performance of rapid antigen tests with unsupervised nasal and combined oropharyngeal and nasal self-sampling during the omicron period.
Design Prospective cross sectional diagnostic test accuracy study.
Setting Three public health service covid-19 test site
The Serological Pipettes Market report aims to provide insight into the industry through detailed market segmentation. The report offers detailed information on the overview and scope of the market along with its drivers, restraints, and trends. This report is designed to include qualitative a
Latest: 8 upcoming webinars to expand your research opportunities
Latest: SelectScience accelerates product innovation with appointment of first Chief Solutions...
Latest: How well are your HCP ELISAs covered?
Latest: THCVA single now available for your potency analysis: Upgr
Remember that childhood bout of chickenpox that caused itching, burning, and a painful rash all over your body? If you’re experiencing similar symptoms as an adult, you may be dealing with shingles.
Herpes zoster, also known as shingles, is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster viru